Underage DUI Attorney in Hampton Roads
Has Your Child Been Charged with Underage DUI?
If your child is convicted of an underage DUI offense, the consequences can be terrible. A conviction can affect the ability to get a job, and the opportunity to be admitted to certain colleges. It is very important that you contact a Virginia Beach DUI defense lawyer immediately if your child has been accused of any drunk driving offense.
At the Law Office of Shawn M. Cline, PC we take our duty very seriously, and will do everything possible to achieve a positive outcome in court. Our founding attorney, Shawn M. Cline, is a former active duty Judge Advocate General's Corps officer who has both prosecuted and defended many cases in military court, and has an uncommon level of dedication, discipline and focus. Your case will be treated with the utmost care, and you can be confident in our ability to present a compelling case and to be personally involved in your case.
Contact us online or call (757) 209-2328 today for a free consultation with our Hampton Roads underage DUI lawyer.
Penalties for Underage DUI in VA
Your child can be convicted of an underage DUI in our state if under the age of 21 and are caught driving with a BAC level of 0.02%. In a conviction for an underage DUI, he or she will face penalties ranging from a $500 minimum fine, a minimum of 50 hours of community service, a license suspension for up to 1 year with the possibility of obtaining a restricted driver's license, and the requirement to attend an alcohol safety action program.
DUI Defense Lawyer Defends Minors Throughout Hampton Roads
Any young driver who is accused of a DUI should get in touch with our DUI defense attorney. Here's how we will approach your case:
- We will seek out any opportunity to get the charges dismissed, and we can quickly determine if this is possible.
- We will carefully sift through all of the evidence, including the initial police stop, any field sobriety tests administered, breath or blood testing procedures, and even the unit used in the case.
- We are looking for the errors in the case, and any DUI defense options that could be beneficial. If your child's rights were violated, if the police officer did not conduct themselves properly, or if the field sobriety, breath, or blood tests could be inaccurate, based on incorrect procedures, or a medical condition, any of these points could assist in defending against the charges.