Pornography Defense Attorney
Criminal Lawyer in Hampton Roads
Crimes involving pornography have become increasingly common given the number of prohibited images readily available on the internet and the increasing sophistication of monitoring by state and federal agencies.
All too often, individuals may accidentally stumble upon prohibited images, such as child pornography, and find themselves facing very serious charges. With the popularity of shows on television featuring individuals being targeted in pornography stings, federal and state agencies have become extremely aggressive in investigating and prosecuting these types of crimes.
Why You Need a Lawyer to Defend You
If you are facing pornography charges in Hampton Roads, contact us today. The initial consultation is always free, and may be the difference between keeping and losing your freedom. Child pornography charges carry substantial jail sentences, and often these sentences include mandatory minimum jail terms.
Perhaps even more significantly, a conviction involving child pornography will almost always result in having to register as a sex offender long after the sentence is served. This can have a devastating effect upon living arrangements and employment, as well as a host of other considerations.
You deserve an attorney who understands the science behind computer forensics and has dealt with these types of charges before. Shawn Cline has handled countless charges involving various types of pornography, to include substantial amounts of child pornography. He knows the science, and he knows what it takes to attack these serious charges. We are not here to judge you… we are here to defend you!
Can I Be Arrested for Pornography in Virginia?
Pornography charges can carry extremely harsh sentences in Hampton Roads, and Shawn Cline is experienced in defending them. We handle the following types of offenses throughout Hampton Roads:
- Possession of Child Pornography
- Production of Child Pornography
- Financing Child Pornography
- Distribution of Child Pornography
- Possession of Obscenity
- Production of Obscenity
We Offer A Free Consultation. Call Us!
The Law Office of Shawn M. Cline, PC is experienced and aggressive in attacking pornography charges. We understand how images can get onto a computer by accident, and we understand the trauma of answering questions to law enforcement in these types of circumstances. A conviction involving child pornography will have profound effects on your life, far beyond perhaps serving years in jail as a convicted sex offender.
We understand these charges, and offer an open and receptive alternative to others who might judge you. We have offices in Hampton and Virginia Beach, and we represent clients facing pornography charges in Hampton, Newport News, Suffolk, Norfolk, Virginia Beach, Portsmouth, and Chesapeake.