Spousal Rape Lawyer in Hampton Roads
Until 1975, every state had a marital exemption to the law against rape that allowed a man to rape his wife without criminal penalties. In the present day, however, rape of a spouse is a felony, punished the same as any other rape with at least 5 years and up to life in prison. If you are facing charges of spousal rape, you need an experienced Hampton Roads spousal rape attorney who knows what to look for in these types of cases and is willing to put in the effort it takes for a solid investigation.
At the Law Office of Shawn M Cline, PC, you will find a former prosecutor who has prosecuted and defended countless sex crimes. He understands how difficult it can be to face such allegations, and he is dedicated to attacking the charges against you and protecting your rights. We are not afraid to challenge evidence. We will work to settle your case as quickly as possible, but you can be sure that we ill tenaciously litigate on your behalf if it cannot be settled out of court.
Our firm offers a free initial case evaluation to prospective clients.
What Is Marital Rape?
Marital rape occurs when one spouse compels the other to engage in a sexual act against the victim's will, including instances when the victim is incapable of giving consent, as when passed out from alcohol or drugs. The burden of proof is on the prosecution, and as married couples generally have consensual sex, it can be difficult to prove that the alleged victim did not give consent in the specific circumstances surrounding the charges.
Get the Legal Support You Need
As in other rape cases, careful and exhaustive pre-trial investigative work is needed to build a defense for spousal rape. Any and all information that could keep the case from going to trial must be obtained by defense counsel and used to develop the best possible legal strategy. Spousal rape allegations are often made during divorce or heated child-custody battles. The skills of a seasoned Hampton Roads criminal defense lawyer can make all the difference in the outcome of your case.
Contact our firm for skilled legal defense against spousal rape charges.