Ticketed for Following Too Closely?
Tailgating Defense Attorney In Hampton Roads
Following too closely is one of those traffic violations which is often charged against drivers after a car accident has occurred. In most cases, the police officer who writes this ticket never saw the accident occur and assumes that the rear driver is at fault for the collision. If you've been ticketed for tailgating in Virginia Beach or Hampton Roads, you do not have to automatically accede to such a ticket. You are innocent until proven guilty and you are owed your day in court.
Our firm, the Law Office of Shawn M. Cline, P.C. will fight on your behalf to get such a ticket thrown out. As a traffic offense lawyer, Attorney Cline has a decade's worth of experience in the local courts. Our firm knows what it takes to attack such a ticket and present your side of the story in the most compelling and effective manner.
Consequences of a Tailgating Ticket
If you automatically pay your tailgating ticket, you are telling the court that you are guilty. A guilty conviction of such a ticket will remain on your driving record for three years and it will accrue four points to your record.
This can have adverse consequences on your auto insurance premiums as well as give you a driving record which can be used against you by future judges should you incur future traffic violations. Furthermore, if you accrue too many points on your driving record you face the potential of having your license suspended. Such a guilty conviction can also adversely affect a civil suit filed against you concerning an accident.
A second conviction of this traffic offense within three years puts you at risk for the loss of your driver's license for up to 60 days. Just because an accident occurred does not prove that you were at fault or that tailgating was the cause of the accident. Many other circumstances and facts may have been involved pertaining to the other driver(s) as well as yourself which may have led to or contributed to the accident. That is why you should not plead guilty to a following too closely violation but should make the other side prove its accusation beyond a reasonable doubt in court.
Work with a Capable Hampton Roads Traffic Offense Attorney
When faced with a tailgating ticket, you need an aggressive and competent attorney who can vigorously cross-examine the attending police officer. Through such action, we can make the court understand that other actions may have played a part in the accident.
To get the help you need, contact our firm to arrange to discuss your ticket in a free case consultation as soon as possible. Get the legal advice you need to learn the best way to proceed with your traffic ticket.