Credit Card Fraud Attorney in Hampton Roads
Trusted Defense Throughout Hampton Roads
Credit card fraud is a serious offense that encompasses numerous areas of the law. Depending on specific circumstances of your case, credit card fraud could result in a theft crime charge, white collar crime charge or a federal offense.
It is important that if you have been arrested, or you are under investigation, that you immediately retain the services of an experienced Hampton Roads criminal defense attorney. At the Law Office of Shawn M. Cline, PC, we stand ready to provide top of the line legal services to our clients and we may be able to help you obtain a favorable outcome for your case.
What are the penalties for credit card fraud?
When a person is charged with credit card theft, they could be facing very serious penalties. If convicted, individuals may be forced to serve federal prison time, pay steep fines and adhere to probation. Prosecutors and law enforcement do not take lightly to accusations of any type of fraud, and credit card fraud is not different.
Victims of credit card fraud can face serious financial losses, and the Commonwealth of Virginia actively seeks credit card and identity theft criminals. In order to charge someone with this crime, there needs to be sufficient evidence provided to a grand jury and lack of evidence or improper police conduct could lead to a favorable result on your behalf. If you have been arrested, do not hesitate to work with our team.
Arrested for Credit Card Fraud? Get Defense from an Experienced Attorney.
Although you may be feeling stressed and upset about what your future may hold, we encourage you to contact our firm as soon as possible. At the Law Office of Shawn M. Cline, PC, we will fully investigate your case and ensure that your rights are protected. Working with our firm can be difference between life behind bars and a life of freedoms.
Our firm is not afraid to challenge evidence and aggressively litigate on your behalf. Your future deserves to be protected, and working with the Hampton Roads credit card fraud lawyer at our firm can help.
Contact the Law Office of Shawn M. Cline, PC today by sending us a message online or calling (757) 209-2328!